Monday, June 23, 2008

Caltrain's Bicycle Master Plan Will Leave You Behind

Caltrain's Bicycle Master Plan Will Leave You Behind
If You Don't Speak Up Now!

Due to the overwhelming success of Caltrain's bikes on board program, an increasing number of bicyclists are bumped every day as bike-cars quickly fill to capacity. Unfortunately Caltrain's Draft Bicycle Master Plan does not address present or future bike-car capacity needs. In fact, the plan does not even acknowledge there is a capacity problem. Instead, the plan focuses exclusively on improving bike parking at the ten most popular Caltrain stations. Dont take our word for it, review the plan yourself at:

Caltrain is Digging in Its Heels
Caltrain held three meetings in June to collect public comment. You can read bicyclists alarming accounts of these meetings at ...

We need more voices to add to theirs!

Submit Your Comments by July 3
Submit your comments to Caltrain at and cc to help the SFBC in its effort to work with Caltrain to draft a real Bicycle Master Plan (not just a Bicycle Parking Plan). Please spread the word among cyclists!


john said...

Why do you say "In fact, the plan does not even acknowledge there is a capacity problem" ? Right in the "Key Issues" it states "Demand for onboard bike capacity exceeding supply."

murphstahoe said...

I cut and pasted that text and am in a meeting with the author and will ask that question, I would admit any inaccuracy (I'd check but my iPhone isn't great for surfing). If the statement is wrong it doesn't change the crux of the problem.

murphstahoe said...

ok - I read the slides. The key issues in the slides states that. Regardless there is nothing in the plan to acknowledge the problem should be addressed, other than trying to discourage usage, and the position of the ridership is that this is unacceptable. A bold statement for me to say I represent the ridership but it's not a stretch.