Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am not a hard man.

Message 8/243 From Dan Connelly

Wow! Those RM riders are hard core.

Forwarded from Roaring Mouse Cycling

Twin Peaks repeats, 6:30am tomorrow @ Cole/Parnassus. Bring your blinkie!


Cold Valley at 6:30 AM to ride up Twin Peaks from the hard side, in the fog.
I'll take a pass. I did get up at 6 AM to ride but went with this monster instead. It was in the low 40's to high 30's at 6:30 AM at Ritual and nobody was there. I felt so crappy that it took me 20 minutes trying to remember the name of the road that is the little hill we climb (Cortland). Bad news. I was ready to blow it off when Crosby did indeed show up. Doh.

Scott rides like I ride - we will both ride at pretty much any pace - slow, fast, whatever. But if nobody is getting dropped, we'll ride pretty much full blast. I was freezing, underdressed, and now I had to ride hard the whole way and didn't have a 3rd person to pawn Scott off on if I decided to bail halfway. Great.

At CC/Valencia we picked up someone else from out of nowhere. Great. Someone going to Google so I can bail early. Nope. Theo works in Foster City. Perhaps slow the pace. Nope. Theo was up to the task on the three little pitches so he'll not slow anything down. Luckily he also took a few pulls. My legs finally loosened up around the airport, and the ride went pretty well. I did Scott do most of the heavy lifting, but it was a good 52 mile spin before work, coming in at 3:10 clock time.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Turkey Removal Program

Pulled out the Seven yesterday for only like the 3rd time since I got it back. Rode to nVidia from SF, rounds in about 52 miles, taking just over 3 hours.

Google is cutting back so at Mountain View I bid adieu to Scott Crosby who had pulled me through the uncharacteristic headwinds instead of begging a breakfast from him. I then completely bonked in downtown Mountain View, tempting me to get on Caltrain to take me to Lawrence. Checking my watch it appeared I had 15 minutes to the next train, so maybe I could get breakfast too. Except there was a SB train already at the station, meaning Caltrain had taken a massive failwhale, confirmed with a quick twitter check. I soldiered on and collapsed on my desk.

I have been trying to keep up with a stretching program, but my quads are still sore from my run in Naperville. Nonetheless I am going to try round two of getting back into running this weekend, hopefully accompanied by a trip to a Bikram class.